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About Us

Business Solutions Consulting, LLC is here to assist organizations be successful. We specialize in human resource assistance, labor relations (employees and management), We provide the training and team building necessary for organizations to break down barriers in the workplace. We provide workplace investigations, mediation and conflict resolution. We want to provide you the tools and resources necessary to achieve your mission and goals. 

Why Business Solutions Consulting, LLC?

Business Solutions Consulting, LLC was founded to assist organizations with overcoming workplace barriers that limit their efficiency, effectiveness and success. With 24 years in labor relations, human resource, conflict and resolution experience, Business Solutions Consulting, LLC staff have experience working within labor unions, public and private sector employment and public education. This includes extensive labor negotiation sessions (both on the union side of the table as well as the management side) which has provided a plethora of experiences.

Furthermore, we have the ability to execute committee work based on collective partnerships between employees and management.  We offer a knowledgeable and neutral third party to your business/organization issue(s) because sometimes a situation calls for expertise to assist in hearing issues, discussing possible solutions and working toward a positive resolution for all involved. This is why Business Solutions Consulting, LLC is only a call away -- it's what we do. 


Brian L Christensen


We are always looking for new and exciting opportunities to assist you. 


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